So, yet another "fresh start."

It’s been an awfully long time since I last penned a blog. I took an almost year-long break from blogging, and now, I’m back, with a completely new blog post.

My journey into blogging started back in 2019 with my very first post, hosted on GitHub. Sadly, that setup made it nearly impossible for the people I wanted to share it with to access it. With very limited web knowledge, I resorted to using Gridea to write and upload my blogs. Eventually, I decided to self-host my blog and transitioned to WordPress. I went through several domain changes and “freshly” started my blog 3-4 times. Unfortunately, none of these attempts lasted more than a year. This was due to a combination of factors: as a student, I couldn’t afford the hosting costs without a new user discount, strict regulations further complicated things, my blog had an almost non-existent readership, and the Gutenberg Editor was more frustrating than I could handle. In short, I had to stop writing.

It was a long silence.

But now I’ve decided to rekindle my blog, once again. I’ve managed to overcome all the obstacles that held me back. To improve the editing experience and overall performance, I made the switch from WordPress to Hexo. Editing in Markdown is a far more enjoyable and user-friendly process, and I now have complete control over the blog’s theme without needing to delve into PHP. What’s more, my enthusiasm is rekindled.

So, here I am, embarking on yet another fresh start.

So, yet another "fresh start."



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